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John & Kali – Indiana Farm Wedding Photography

John & Kali – Indiana Farm Wedding Photography

Wedding rings in front of newspaper

To see more photos, click “Order” at the top of the page, then click on John & Kali’s personal link. You’ll be taken to our Pictage site where you can view/order all of the images.

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Tameria O'Dell - Amazing! Brought tears to momma’s eyes!

Jenna Day - Your pictures are phenomenal! Great job!

jimberry - What a wponderful day for a beautiful couple. We can enjoy this all over for the rest of our lives. Love
you both, be happy and come see your old grand

Tansey - I wanna see moooooore!!!!!!!!

Kristel Kaye - Great Photos! Wonderful couple! Such a Romantic Wedding! It was an awesome day and how great that we can enjoy it all over again through these photos.